Who is Julian Ross?

Basic Information

  1. What’s your name?

    Julian Ross

  2. Where are you from?

    Earth, but you probably want to know the city and country? Toronto, Canada.

  3. What do you do for work?

    A little bit of everything - Photography, Videography, Design, Production, website building, SEO, and recently DJing. The list keeps growing!

  4. Do you enjoy what you do?

    Some days I do, some days I don’t. Creating something out of nothing is difficult. Sometimes the work is annoying, unpleasant, and boring. But eventually it gets done, and a bit of satisfaction can be drawn from finishing. Overall I find it way more enjoying than sitting in an office…

  5. How did you get into your current field?

    By quitting the other field (my 9-5 job) and developing the necessary skills to thrive as an independent creative type.

  6. What’s your dream job?

    I think I’m living it now??

  7. Are you currently studying or learning anything new?

    Learning is a non-stop process - business, ethics, philosophy, the arts. I am here for it all!

  8. Do you speak any other languages?

    No. English is hard enough!

  9. What’s your favourite way to spend a weekend?

    A little bit of work and little bit of fun.

  10. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?

    Either or. I’m flexible. Sometimes extroversion is necessary and other times introversion in necessary.

Hobbies & Interests

  1. What do you like to do for fun?

    Working on my crafts - photography, videography, design, having a good meal. Simple things.

  2. Do you enjoy reading? If so, what’s your favourite book?

    Reading can be enjoyable if the words being read add value, but many books do not add value. They often create confusion and potentially false paths. I think everyone should read Epictetus’s The Enchiridion or his Discourses.

  3. Are you into any sports or fitness activities?

    For sure. Walking, cycling, playing basketball - they’re all very enjoyable and good for the body.

  4. Do you play any musical instruments?

    Unfortunately no. I was never gifted with that talent.

  5. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

    I’ve tried a lot, can’t think one..

  6. What kind of music do you listen to?

    I’ll give most genre’s a try, but the mainstays are Jazz, House, R&B, Rap and Rock.

  7. Do you prefer movies or TV shows? Any favourites?

    I prefer movies. TV shows tend to take to much of my time. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is a classic.

  8. Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?

    I have not. I’ve been too busy building Offline Studios.

  9. What’s your favourite way to relax?

    By trying to stay relaxed always? Does that make sense lol

  10. Do you like video games? If so, what’s your favourite?

    I used to play them, but again, they tend to take to much of my time. I’d rather spend that time working on building the studio.

Personal Preferences & Lifestyle

  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

    Either or, but I do find that I get more done in the morning compared to the nights.

  2. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

    I tend to drink both, but would love to cut out coffee.

  3. Do you enjoy cooking? If so, what’s your go-to dish?

    Cooking is especially fun with friends. BBQ grilled chicken.

  4. What’s your favourite type of food or cuisine?

    This is tough. I love Chinese, Jamaican, Thai - Way to many options to choose only one.

  5. Do you have any pets?

    No. Animals ought to be free lol

  6. Do you prefer city life or countryside living?

    The city is fun, but it would be nice to have a cottage or villa to escape to once in a while.

  7. What’s your ideal vacation destination?

    Warm, free, and chill…do you know of any places?

  8. Do you like spending time outdoors?

    Who doesn’t??

  9. Are you more of a planner or a spontaneous person?

    I’m light on the planning (general sketch/improvise) but more so to the spontaneous. Where is the surprise in life if all the steps are known?

  10. Do you enjoy socializing, or do you prefer quiet time?

    It depends on the company.

Personality & Values

  1. How would your friends describe you?

    You’d have to ask them. I hate trying to imagine what others think of me. It requires too much guess work. Even if I asked them what they thought, they’d probably lie.

  2. What motivates you in life?


  3. Do you believe in setting long-term goals?

    To some extent yes, but in other ways no. Tomorrow is never granted, and for that reason, setting long-term goals always felt like getting a visit from the tooth fairy or Santa - very difficult to believe in. Instead I like creating broad sketches of what I want to have and what I want to avoid, with an emphasis on knowing what I want to avoid. Of course a bit a experience is required to figure out what to avoid, and thats not possible without trying new things or meeting new people. Moreover, experience, as well as reading has taught me that having an emphasis on what I want (long-term goals) does not always equate with long-term happiness. Perhaps its better to have long-term habits that produce good results?

  4. What’s a personal value you strongly believe in?

    Being tolerant of others. It is by far the most difficult value to practice because we are all very different. However, I believe it is the juice that keeps us from destroying one another. If we all practiced the opposite - intolerance - what kind of world would be living in?

  5. Do you like trying new things, or do you stick with what you know?

    Isn’t everyday like trying a new thing?

  6. What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of?

    Finishing a one hour DJ set without hating it lol. It’s soooo damn hard to DJ! Finishing feels great. Its like scoring a goal in soccer - a rare sighting - as compared to basketball where the points are put every time down the court.

  7. How do you usually handle stress or difficult situations?

    By stressing lol. Stress is natural and usually due to an error in the daily habits. I try to minimize it by being more avoidant in my approach with other people. A lot of stress is second hand, passed on from person to person, so for that reason it has become my practice to gauge how stressed a person appears to me and to adjust myself accordingly. I assume other people do the same? What if I’m stressed out (I’m sure I’ve played the role many times before), does it create more good or bad? I try to reflect, reconsider and make the appropriate changes to avoid falling into feeling “stressed out”. And what I have found is that it is best reduce my desires and to be more aware of what I want to avoid.

  8. What’s something unique or interesting about you that most people don’t know?

    I’m not sure. I don’t hide much from people. I am who I am. If there is anything unique or interesting about me, I hope its very obvious and not hidden. And if its obvious, I’d rather not talk about it, and let others talk about it.

  9. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

    Socrates. He can try his method with me and I can learn how far off the mark I am.

  10. What’s one thing you’re currently excited about in life?

    Learning to DJ. It feels magical trying to figure out how to deliver the music I love in a tight mix. Its given me a new outlet to express, and what’s also great, is that I can mix it in with my other skills - photography and videography.